Hydra’s Trail Event Medals

In support of her homeland, the Greek designer of the Olympic medals, Elena Votsi, has designed the “Hydra’s Trail Event” medal, free of charge, for three consecutive years. The games took place on the island of Hydra, a place she loves and supports in every way and at every opportunity.

Using a sheet of wax, the designer made an impression of a piece of the rock of Hydra and used this as a mold to realistically reproduce the texture of the rock on this medal. In this way, and with a hue representing the grey of the rock, each participant can take a small piece of Hydra home with them. The “blank space” in the center of the medal is designed exclusively to reveal and highlight the main protagonist of the event, which is none other than each and every one of us.


Athens Democracy Award

Hydra’s Town Hall Medal

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